Project outputs

Output 1: Database of international and local examples of good practices

Hundred cases of examples of good practice among farmers showing farmers working together, as well as farmers working with other players in the supply value chain.

The casestudies will be available in all working languages of the project – Czech, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Slovak and English language. 

Responsible organization: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Output 2: Book on problems of small farms managed by young farmers

Analytical publication defining in detail the problems of small farms, the critical points of economic, social and environmental sustainability, to define project countries policies aimed on small farms and young farmers, recommend good practices and possibly policy instruments applicable to eliminate critical points.

The book, published under editorial supervision of PULS will be published in English. 

Responsible organization: Poznan University of LIfe Sciences

Output 3: Farm economy model

Preparation of a software product that will enable young farmers to model their business decisions in the context of the forthcoming agricultural policy change, which should streamline decision-making and investment planning.

The modelling tool is provided in different working languages.

Responsible organization: Slovak University of Agriculture in NItra

Output 4: Price and discounts comparing tool

Price comparator simulation that would allow young farmers to realistically assess their market position in an unequal environment of oligopolistic supply and oligopsonistic buyer structures Aim of that tool is to compare the prices achieved with other farmers at the international, national or regional level.

Responsible organization: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

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