
An international consortium has been successful in the Erasmus+ programme, under Action 2.03 - Strategic partnerships in higher education. Together with its partners, the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU v Praze) has obtained funding for a project focusing on research on the long-term viability of small farms managed by young farmers in the context of the new EU strategy "From Farm to Table", which is part of the ambitious European Green Deal.

The international team will prepare a review and evaluation of past and new policies targeting young farmers managich the small farms in the countries forming the consortium. Good practice examples of how these farms can work together in the supply chain to improve their long-term economic situation will be presented. The final outcome will be the creation of IT tools for effective business planning and decision-making.

In addition to staff from the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, the project involves academic partners from Poland (Poznan University of Life Sciences), Slovakia (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra), Lithuania (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas) and Hungary (University of Szeged). The link between science and practice is provided by associations representing young farmers - Association of Young Farmers of the Czech Republic, Polish Union of Rural Youth and Association of Slovak Young Farmers (ASYF).

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