Output 3 - Farm economy model

Usage Instructions

Procedure (Steps) for Using the Farm Economy Modelling Product


The software product is accessible online on the VISYFARM project website at Download it to your computer along with these instructions and save it to avoid data loss. Follow the steps below:

1. When you open the program on your computer, a pop-up window allows you to choose the language. The verbal data throughout the program will be in the selected language, while economic or financial data is provided in Euros.

2. Start by entering your input information, indicating whether you are a young farmer.

3. Add information about cattle rearing, specifying the form of stall or pasture rearing.

4. Input the percentage of the total farm area protected in a bird area (for ecoschemes).

5. Only after these steps can you enter data about individual crops grown on the farm (hectare yield, price per tonne, cost in Euros per hectare of farmland, and the area in hectares of the crop). The data is pre-populated and can be modified. If you don't enter any information, recalculating the data and accessing the outputs will not be possible. The data also has limitations to prevent the entry of unrealistic data.

6. As part of crop production, enter data on crops used for livestock feed. The program automatically calculates the feed requirement based on forage data and the number of animals.

7. Proceed to fill in data for cattle, including performance indicators, prices, and the cost of rearing per 100 days of feed. The data is categorized by cattle breeding category (dairy cows, calves, heifers, fattening bulls...). The pre-filled data should be adjusted according to the farm's situation, and it is also possible to buy and sell animals in each category.

8. Once all data is entered, click the button to recalculate the data. You will then be redirected to the project output sheet, summarizing input data for crop production, including their economic data. Livestock production is similarly presented, with economic results calculated alongside some input data. The outputs also include a summary table of economic results for combined crop production, livestock production, and overall farm production.


The tool is also available HERE

In case of any doubts or questions, please contact us at patrik.rovny(at)

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