Multiplication events

Forms of cooperation in Agriculture, Nitra, Slovakia (11/5/2022)

With the respect to event proposal, we followed the proposed structure, aims, and our colleague partners were able to target more than expected participants. The event has been divided into 4 main parts. The first part was presented at the end of the ISD plenary session where we presented the main aims of the project, and we also presented the main findings of the output #1. We identified problems with formal corporation, as young farmers (similarly to their parents) are rather reluctant to any form of cooperation. However, we observed, debt informal ways of cooperation are rather common. Also, membership in variety of professional associations increases social capital and willingness to corporate. The second part of the multiplication event was organised in the afternoon. After the lunch, project team presented impact off the Green Deal and the Farm-To-Fork strategy too small and young farmers. Also forms of farm cooperation in individual countries as well as forms of farm support were presented by country representatives in the second part of the afternoon.

In total, 35 local participants and 47 international participants (both out of the consortium) visited the event. In those numbers are not counted local participants from project organisations. Finally, the event attracted more than 100 visitors.  Due to the budget limitation, we submitted only 35 local participants and 32 international participants for financing. For the others, we do not require funds.


Multiplication event in the Czech Republic (13/9/2022)

Multiplier event organised in harmony with the 31st edition of international Agrarian Perspective conference. The main topic of the conference was Green Deal – Future Perspectives. The topic of the Agrarian Perspective conference was specifically selected to be in harmony with the project aims and direction. The Farm to Fork strategy is crucial part of the European Green Deal initiative and without significant innovations in the farming sector, the Green Deal could not be easily reachable. 
Expert speakers has been invited for the plenary session. For example, Martin Hlavacek, Member of the EP; Jan Dusík, deputy minister for climate change protection; Dusan Drabik senior researcher at the Wageningen University, Karolina Pawlak, VISYFARM project member and researcher. Also, Pavel Kotyza, as a project leader deliver a dedicated introduction to the project and introduced the whole output pallete to general audience. 

In the afternoon, the main part of multiplier event took part. The topic of the dissemination was the situation of small farms managed by young farmers in European and partner countries. We had already prepared materials for the O2 (publication) and the main results has been presented during the event. Further, the programme included information about the impact of the farm-to-fork strategy on young farmers and small farms, best practices from project countries (O1) were presented and data on support to small farms managed by young farmers has been presented. The results of collected information from national paying agencies, which included more than 1.5 million entries on individual farmer’s support.     

Other team members were included in the discussion, together with the participating audience (from other universities mainly). The afternoon programme gathers many professionals, who were interested in the topic and resulted in the very interesting discussion on the topic of farm succession and small farm viability. In the evening, programme has been conducted by evening dinner, which was organised in the lobby of the faculty. Nice atmosphere led to further discussion and initiated many ideas and topics to be further investigated.

In total, both parts visited 21 local participants, 48 international participants and 39 project team participants. In toal 108 participant took part in the event. 



The Congress Polish Countryside XXI (19/4/2023)

One of the dissemination activities was organized within the European Congress of Innovative Solutions for Rural Areas and Agriculture “Polish Countryside XXI” on 19 April 2023. The panel discussion entitled "Viability of small farms managed by young farmers under new "farm-to-fork" strategy on the example of the farms in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania and Hungary" was held on the first day of the Congress. The discussion on profitability and opportunities to improve the market position of small farms run by young farmers in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe was attended by presidents of associations of young farmers from the Czech Republic (David Brož, Společnost mladých agrárníků, Czech Republic) and Slovakia (Marián Glovaťák, ASYF, Slovakia), representatives of the academic community from Poland (assoc. prof. Wawrzyniec Czubak, Poznań University of Life Sciences), the Czech Republic (Dr. Pavel Kotyza, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague) and Hungary (assoc. prof. Krisztián Kis, University of Szeged), and Marian Glowatak, representing a group of Slovak young farmers. The panel was moderated by assoc. prof. Karolina Pawlak (Poznań University of Life Sciences).

The starting point for the discussion was the results of the project. The aim of the project, carried out jointly by representatives of academia and business practice, was to identify good practices and actions to strengthen the market position of small farms run by young farmers in supply chains, aiming to improve their socio-economic sustainability. The level and forms of public support dedicated to these entities and institutional solutions aimed at supporting the processes of vertical and horizontal integration of small farms were also evaluated.

In the course of the discussion, the panelists presented examples of good practices undertaken to improve the profitability and market position of small farms managed by young farmers, pointing out, among other things, the role of modern technologies, knowledge, inter-neighborhood cooperation and horizontal and vertical integration. They stressed the importance of diversifying agricultural activities, including the development of primary processing and direct sales from the farm. Practitioners saw in these lines of activity and precision farming opportunities to improve the economic situation of small farms, and tied future plans to them. They also pointed to the desire to increase the scale of their operations and, as a result, to improve farming efficiency, profitability and bargaining position in relations with suppliers of agricultural inputs and buyers of agricultural products. Discussants emphasized the role of the EU Common Agricultural Policy and the support dedicated to young farmers, as well as that provided for small and medium-sized farms and the development of small-scale processing. In the context of disruptions in agri-food markets and price changes caused by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, possible solutions to improve the resilience of farms to such exogenous shocks were also discussed. It concludes that the future and improvement of the income situation of small farms, regardless of the confluence of favorable and unfavorable external and internal conditions, lies in the hands of farmers managing farms and making production decisions.

Around 50 young farmers, as well as representatives of Polish universities and government units have participated in the panel discussion, including almost 40 international participants.


Young Farmer's Day 2023 - Setting up small farms of young farmers, Krásná Lúka, Slovakia (4/6/2023)

On 4 June 2023, the 5th Young Farmer's Day took place. This family event dedicated to education, promotion of agriculture or the VISYFARM project to the general public was organized for the first time by the Association of Young Farmers in Slovakia - ASYF in the village of Krásna Lúka. 

Those present at the event could enjoy a rich accompanying programme, such as an exhibition of livestock, agricultural equipment, performances by musical or folklore groups, a market town, a milking school, and a demonstration of traditional crafts. Various attractions were prepared for children (trampolines, straw labyrinth, bouncy castles, rodeo bull, creative workshops, barrel train, horse riding, carousels, young farmer knowledge game, face painting, archery, children's performance, etc.).

There were also family and children's competitions, a tractor reversing competition, a wood sawing competition and a competition for the V4 partners' cup.

The invitation to the event was accepted by MEPs, the President of the Prešov Self-Governing Region, mayors, presidents of foreign farming organisations, partner organisations and many other invited guests who, by their participation outside their working hours, showed their interest in agriculture in this way. Around 10 000 visitors attended the event.

A seminar on the status of small farms for young farmers was held, presenting the VISYFARM project, the results achieved and the tools in preparation for farmers and students. The project was presented by the President of the Association of Young Farmers in Slovakia - ASYF, Mgr. Marián Glovaťák. The programme also included a discussion with the MEPs present. The seminar was attended by invited guests (farmers, university lecturers, foreign colleagues from young farmers' associations and others). All of them discussed a common theme - agriculture and the position of young people in agriculture. 

The Association of Young Farmers in Slovakia - ASYF thanks all organizers, volunteers, sponsors, partners and media partners, vendors, speakers, farmers, ASYF members as well as all people of good will for their help and cooperation.


Multiplication event in Hungary (4/9/2023)

Within the framework of VISYFARM project, a multiplier event has been organized on September 4, 2023, at Saroktanya Mezőgazdasági Tudáscentrum, Csongrád. The audience invited to the event were young farmers of the region. The main purpose of the event was to present the results of the project, at the same time to provide an opportunity for the participants in the context of a round table discussion, that the results achieved could be discussed. The event also provided young farmers with information about current events and funding opportunities related to the Common Agricultural Policy.

As a starting point, the audience got an overall picture of the VISYFARM project from the presentation of Krisztán Kis (goals, target groups, objectives, events, partners, planned results, main activities).

The event continued with presentations of the relevant chapters of the book produced in the framework of the project. One of these was the presentation by Krisztián Kis on the drivers for the development of young farmers' farms. The presentation covered the economic, social, environmental and political factors related to the topic. Sándor Nagy presented the expectations of young farmers towards agricultural policy. Krisztián Kis presented the role of social capital in agriculture. Social capital is a "productive" resource that enables the achievement of certain otherwise unattainable goals. Krisztán Kis continued with a presentation on the drivers and effects of cooperation and integration. The presentation pointed out that groups, such as farmers, whose members cooperate with each other will benefit. The next presentation was delivered by Sándor Nagy, who presented the development, role and importance of producer cooperatives and groups.
First part of the day was closed by the presentation on Zoltán Privóczki, who held a presentation on the CAP in action and recent updates on the support for young farmers.
In the second part of the event the lecturers presented the experiences of the case studies previously made among young farmers and cooperatives. In the frame of the presentations, good practices and examples were highlighted gained from the case studies.
The event continued with a round table discussion of the participants, Conclusions were drawn, experiences were shared, good practices were discussed, and there was a free questions and answers section as well.
The organizers gave the participants the opportunity to visit the local pálinka distillery workshop. 


Congress in Olsztyn „Challenges for agribusiness and rural areas“, Olsztyn, Poland (5-6/9/2023)

Project outputs have also been disseminated during 29th Congress of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists “Challenges for the development of agribusiness and rural areas” in Olsztyn (5-7 September 2023). One of the key note speakers during opening session of the conference was Pavel Kotyza, PhD from Czech University of Life Sciences. He has delivered the presentation entitled Situation of Small Farms Managed by Young Farmers in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Lithuania. The presentation discussed the project results obtained within Output 1 and Output 2. Almost 130 participants from Polish universities, national research institutes, Polish Academy of Science units, as well as local self-government and entrepreneurs representatives took part in the session. After presentation there was a Question and Answers session. The presentation delivered by Pavel Kotyza was found interesting and it was a base for fruitful discussion related to the viability of small farms managed by young farmers in the CEEC countries. Agricultural policy issues, and developmental prospects of those farms were discussed.

Further individual discussions on the topic were held during the coffee breaks and during other events of the congress. VISYFARM project and its results reached large professional audience during the congress. 


Challenges And Solutions For The Implementation of The Strategy „From The Field To The Table“, Kaunas, Lithunia (28/9/2023)

The multiplier event – international conference “CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRATEGY "FROM THE FIELD TO THE TABLE”, was organised on 28th of September, 2023, in Vytautas Magnus university, Akademija, Kaunas district. 

The purpose of the event: to share the results and good practices of the VISYFARM project, to discuss challenges and possible solutions in the implementation of strategies for the development of short food supply chains. The target group was the students of foreign universities, teachers, farmers, employees of municipal administrations and other institutions.  In the multiplier event - international conference participated 36 participants (out from consorcium) and 8 Erasmus students from Vytautas Magnus university. After the event, the participants were asked to evaluate the international conference and answer 5 questions. 24 participants answered the questionnaire. The participants noted that they gained knowledge, became familiar with good practices, and their competence in short food supply chains and Common agricultural policy, management of farming risks increased.

kaunas2.pngStrengthening The Viability of Small Farms Run by Young Farmers Through Development of Short Food Supply Chains, Kaunas, Lithunia (11/10/2023)

The multiplier event – conference “STRENGTHENING THE VIABILITY OF SMALL FARMS RUN BY YOUNG FARMERS THROUGH DEVELOPMENT OF SHORT FOOD SUPPLY CHAINS” was organised on 11th of October, 2023, in Vytautas Magnus university, Akademija, Kaunas district.

The purpose of the event: to present the results of the Erasmus + international project VISYFARM, to share good practices, to discuss challenges and possible solutions in the implementation of strategies for the development of cooperative short food supply chains. The target group was the Lithuanian farmers, employees of agricultural and food production companies, young farmers, rural communities developing short food supply chains, employees of municipalities and other rural institutions.

In the multiplier event - conference participated 40 participants (out from consorcium). 

Participants gave the event positive reviews. They mentioned gaining knowledge and insights into good practices, especially in short food supply chains and the Common Agricultural Policy, resulting in increased competence. Farmers were actively engaged, and there was a consensus about a need for more information on short food supply chains, with appreciation for the practical examples provided to better organize and manage them.


Viability of small farms managed by young farmers under new "farm-to-fork" strategy, Poznan, Poland (10/11/2023)

The consortium members from five countries (in addition to WE UPP, also the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, the University of Szeged) presented the results of research on the long-term profitability of small farms managed by young farmers in the context of the new EU strategy " From Farm to Fork”, which is part of the ambitious challenge of the European Green Deal. The presented conclusions from the analyzes and examples of good practices in the field of farm cooperation in the supply chain formed the basis for the assessment of the current and past new agricultural policy in the field of activities addressed to young farmers running small farms. The combination of science and practice was ensured by the participation of associations representing young farmers in the project. The implementation resulted in the creation of IT tools that support farm managers in effective business planning and making economic decisions.

In total 21 local participants out of the consortium was participating in the conference, while other 32 participants were members of the consortium.

Pictures from the event are available HERE


Viability of small farms managed by young farmers within the new 'farm-to-fork' strategy, Brno, Czech Republic (24/11/2023)

The conference took place at the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Mendel University in Brno. During this event, we aimed to reflect on the situation of young farmers in the Czech Republic and neighbouring countries.

The discussion focused on the role of small farms and young farmers in agriculture, their market position, and the effects of collaboration and integration in the context of the upcoming changes in agricultural policy. Invited guests shared their insights and compare the project results with their own research and findings from other scientific institutions dealing with research in the field of short food supply chains in small farms, family farming within food system transformation, and the sustainability of farms in the context of succession issues.

In total 14 members of the Mendel University participated in the event, also 7 members of the CZU project team joint the discussion. The event was perceived as well organised and very up to date. Both faculties decided to continue in the discussions about the topic in the near future. 



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