02 Book


The Farm-to-Fork strategy, integral to the European Green Deal, accelerates the shift to sustainable food systems, ensuring food security while mitigating environmental impact. EU documents highlight benefits for farmers and consumers. However, concerns arise about potential negative impacts, especially on small farms managed by young farmers. This book explores the long-term viability of such farms under the Farm-to-Fork strategy in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Lithuania. Research delves into production, economic situations, public support, and development prospects, offering recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders. Aimed at a broad audience, the book addresses small farms, sustainable development, and agricultural policies.

ISBN: 978-83-8102-788-5

DOI: 10.60971/978-83-8102-788-5/cedewu 

book-front-small.jpgThe full book is available HERE

Citation of this book:

CZUBAK, Wawrzyniec, PAWLAK, Karolina and KOTYZA, Pavel (eds.), 2023. SMALL FARMS MANAGED BY YOUNG FARMERS UNDER NEW „FARM-TO-FORK” STRATEGY. Online. Warszawa: CeDeWu. ISBN 978-83-8102-788-5. Available from: [Accessed 3 January 2024].


Chapter 1 : European Green Deal and Farm-to-Fork strategy in the context of EU agricultural policy


Kotyza, P. (2023). European Green Deal and Farm-to-Fork strategy in the context of EU agricultural policy. In W. Czubak, K. Pawlak, P. Kotyza (eds.), Small farms managed by young farmers under new „farm-to-fork” strategy (pp. 13–45). Cedewu Sp. z o.o.

Chapter 2: The role of small farms and young farmers in agriculture of analysed countries


Pawlak, K. (2023). The role of small farms and young farmers in agriculture of analysed countries. In W. Czubak, K. Pawlak, P. Kotyza (eds.), Small farms managed by young farmers under new „farm-to-fork” strategy (pp. 46–59). Cedewu Sp. z o.o.

Chapter 3: Production potential and economic results of small farms in agriculture of analysed countries


Czubak, W. (2023). Production potential and economic results of small farms in agriculture of analysed countries. In W. Czubak, K. Pawlak, P. Kotyza (eds.), Small farms managed by young farmers under new „farm-to-fork” strategy (pp. 60–74). Cedewu Sp. z o.o.

Chapter 4: The role of CAP measures in supporting young farmers


Atkočiūnienė, V., Kiaušienė, I., & Zaleckienė, J. (2023). The role of CAP measures in supporting young farmers. In W. Czubak, K. Pawlak, P. Kotyza (eds.), Small farms managed by young farmers under new „farm-to-fork” strategy (pp. 75–87). Cedewu Sp. z o.o.

Chapter 5: The redistributive function of CAP in supporting small-scale young farmers in the analysed countries


Kotyza, P., & Rovný, P. (2023). The redistributive function of CAP in supporting small-scale young farmers in the analysed countries. In W. Czubak, K. Pawlak, P. Kotyza (eds.), Small farms managed by young farmers under new „farm-to-fork” strategy (pp. 88–99). Cedewu Sp. z o.o.

Chapter 6: Horizontal and vertical integration as factors enhancing farm competitiveness in the analysed countries


Pawlak, K., Czubak, W., Kotyza, P., Červený, D., Kis, K., Nagy, S., Atkočiūnienė, V., Zaleckienė, J., & Kiausienė, I. (2023). The redistributive function of CAP in supporting small-scale young farmers in the analysed countries. In W. Czubak, K. Pawlak, P. Kotyza (eds.), Small farms managed by young farmers under new „farm-to-fork” strategy (pp. 100–148). Cedewu Sp. z o.o.

Chapter 7: Development prospects for small farms run by young farmers – the evidence from selected countries


Náglova, Z., Rovný, P., Czubak, W., Atkočiūnienė, V., Zaleckienė, J., Kiausienė, I., Kis, K., Nagy, S., Brož, D., & Jurky, M. (2023). Development prospects for small farms run by young farmers – the evidence from selected countries. In W. Czubak, K. Pawlak, P. Kotyza (eds.), Small farms managed by young farmers under new „farm-to-fork” strategy (pp. 149–182). Cedewu Sp. z o.o.

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